Verti-Feed AF – Animal Feed Edition v1.0 LS 2019
My first real go at modding, it definitely needs more updates but currently is working enough for others to field test it for me! It follows a similar design to the PF. Original download links below!
Verti-Feed AF – Animal Food Edition v1.0
Allows you to collect bigbags and from silo, each of the animals feed types, allowing you to collect what you need all at once with one vehicle!
It is set to not mix the food into ration, and will only empty the types inserted. Allowing you to collect hay/oat at the same time if preferred.
Due to my lack of knowledge and a lack of script available you cannot clean sheep or feed them grass, and cleaning the cows will delete silage from existence, its pretty bad so i have removed the cows from this update. And i advise you dont try to pick up silage for the time being.
Future updates will fix the grass and mixed-ration options. Bear with me!
Update #1: Bare bones working
Update #2: Fix grass
Update #3: Fix ration category to not need mixing