Corrections and new elements.
* Addition of barriers to sheep, cows and pigs.
* Replacing the machine for total mixing, now it manufactures TMR (total ration mix)
* Replacement of animal troughs as they tended to climb in.
* Lamppost at the compost factory + replacement of the unloading trigger.
* A washing area installed on the main farm.
* Digital meters have been installed on the three storage sites (farms).
* The unloading capacity at the compost plant is revised upwards to 100,000.
* At the sawmill also increase chip triggers and fuel that have gone up to 20000.
* The sale of milk has changed place, it is no longer done at mary’s farm but in Rungis, a tank has been installed there.
* In the greenhouses and the building that are located nearby.
-Racks are installed in the building to store the pallets.
– storage areas have been added in front of this building.
-a machine to put the onions in pallox installed in order to enhance this production.
-Greenhouses development of a compost storage site.
Onion and Carrot storage and sale set up.
A holmer is supplied with 3 12-row cuts for these crops
Refurbishment of the farm
An additional activity await you three washers have been installed (potato, beetroot and carrot) that you will find in box, which allows as the onions to value these productions.
A potato cooker also in which you put washed potatoes for even more profit.
The sale of all these boxes is done to the warehouse.
Various small corrected errors (movement of trees, flattening of land ect …)
!!! INFO !!!
You are not obliged to repeat a game for those who are already well advanced even if this is advised.
For those who do not wish to start again
-remove your tipcol file in your savegames in order to have all the good collisions.
The game will return one once you have saved.
– the grass appears in a few places pass a roll of the roll.
Here the pack of mods that may be useful to you to the operation of the map.
This pack contains the shredder, the refinery and the equipment for harvesting onions and carrots. (In this pack the Holmer is configured for beets as well).
!!!!!! The card is edit for patch 1.3.1 is 1.4 !!!!!!!!!
Good game and good part has all