Here is a Tiger 10 LT Cultivator Pack V1.2 By Eagle355th
There’s 5 Colors to choose from.I made from Giants.
Tiger 10 LT Cultivator Eagle355th
Black horsch Tiger 10 LT Cultivator Eagle355th
Marine Camo horsch Tiger 10 LT Cultivator Eagle355th
Navy Blue horsch Tiger 10 LT Cultivator Eagle355th
Mint Green horsch Tiger 10 LT Cultivator Eagle355th
The speed is 15 Price Is 1000 Working width: 10.2 m
All is washable. I’m working a Krone Mower to upload later.
There will be a Pack I will be uploading later on!
Have Fun Enjoy! There is more to come!
If you do not like the mod after checking it out
then just delete it out of your mods folder.
Unpack open the mods zip folder then copy all into your mods folder.
C:Users.Documentsmy gamesFarmingSimulator2017mods.Have fun!!!
Credits:By Eagle355th