Three Star Hof V 1.4 ChoppedStraw for FS 17
Version 1.4 Dreisten-Hof-plus-ChoppedStraw
Ich habe mich entschieden eine Version mit Chopped Straw zum Download zu stellen.
Die Düngefunktion ist eingestellt. Ihr benötigt unbedingt den Chopped Straw Mod im Modordner.
Diese Version ist ohne das 2. Hofsilo
An Stelle des Silos ist ein 3. Verkaufspunkt (“Hof Ankauf”) hinzu gekommen.
Ferner habe ich die Kapazität des Hofsilos auf 500.000 l erhöht.
An der Stirnseite des Gebäudes am Hofsilo läßt es sich auch noch erweitern.
Die concrete Textur habe ich ebenfalls ausgetauscht.
Es ist kein neuer Spilstand erforderlich.
Version 1.4 Dreistern-Hof-plus-ChoppedStraw
I decided to download a version with Chopped Straw.
The fertilizer function is set. You absolutely need the Chopped Straw Mod in Modordner.
This version is without the 2nd Hofsilo
Instead of the silo, a third point of sale (“court purchase”) has been added.
I also increased the capacity of the silo to 500,000 liters.
It can also be extended at the end of the building at the Hofsilo.
The concrete texture I also exchanged.
No new spil stand is required.
Welcome to the three-star courtyard. Who play the LS seeks relaxation hir is just right. It is a small helper friendly map based on the “Gorzkowa V1 LS13”. Ideally suited for Oldithimer.
This is my first map I have constructed according to my ideas.
The three stars stand for the livestock, so it is all species on the courtyard.
Furthermore, almost all LS-standards are built:
1 small BGA
2 Points of sale (Alte Kirch mill, grain trading)
Riding with barn (sale of straw, grass, bales and manure)
wool sale
Missions (9 points)
Traffic just parked vehicles and pedestrians
Nursery with manure sale and accommodate placeable Mods
Dairy Farm with triggers
Street lighting
4 düngbare meadows owned
15 fields (6 owned)
small sawmill
Workshop at the court
For me, the Map is running (despite estimated 30 mods) without Logfehler.
For Proplem with incorrect wheat representation in the map browser I would be very grateful for the help.
For konstruktieve criticism I am open and should still errors please notify.
So go to “Somewhere in eastern Saxony” at the three-star courtyard and good “recovery”.
Your RitchiF