Tervalehti_Multifruit v1.0.2.1 for FS19
Hello That is new version this map.
The map textures were changed to suit the seasons. Grass, bushes, etc. Changes color in autumn and turns green again when spring comes. Thanks to all the players and I wish you a lot of fun in Tervalehti map.
FSClub-FIN Modding
25 fruits
82 fields and large forest area
Fixed all triggers
fixed textures
and many other problems fixed.
some problems could not be fixed yet. for example, the map does not work on the server yet. Because some of the triggers remain uncharged. the internal multiplayer works yes.
fixed all Animalhusbandry. It work all
Version need nev savegame
If you want to save and continue with the old recording. Do the following. Make a new recording and move the files shown in the picture to the old recording. This should work.
Have a fun.