Hello and welcome again in Tanneberg.
A few of you already know the map from the 15’s.
Since they have played some, I did not want to deprive you of them in LS17 …
The size of the card is about 1/4 of the origanal size.
It is more for the singleplayer but I think also suitable for 2-3 players.
The map was built according to my ideas and I hope you like it!
It is playable anyway, only I had to test them alone as I have no one …
The milk can be picked up at 00:00 hours, directly at the stable, with the appropriate means of transport and at the
Agrarvis sold and the famous sawmill is also there again …
The old pig’s bastard unfortunately does not exist, but the original ones
Unfortunately, the fields have become somewhat more angular, owing to the field emissions:
Since there are a lot of placable mods and also original objects, I do not know yet whether I rebuke such,
Unless the demand is large.
I hope that I could keep the flair from the old version!
I would like to thank the modders for the great work !!
If someone finds himself here again, may he be with me if I forgot him / her.
On the map, there are, besides the standard features:
– place for placeable objects
– 3 sales outlets
– 2 water sampling points (free and farther away from the farm), affordable water is directly at the farm
– Collision on the fields, I’ve waived, this is ok !?
– 14 fields (buyable, with missions) and min. 3 meadows
-Kotte Universal (liquid manure, milk, etc.)
So now I wish you much fun playing.
Yours sincerely: ruffrider