Suedthueringen V 1.9 Maps
Version 1.9
– einige Felder, richtige Felddimensionen eingetragen > somit richtiger Kaufpreis
– neue Bäckerei eingebaut, noch ohne Texturen
– div. kleinere Änderungen
Version 1.9
– some fields, correct field dimensions entered> thus correct purchase price
– new bakery installed, still without textures
– div. minor changes
Here I present now my version of Südthüringen Map available. Thanks to LSFarmer for release.
I have the map so far only in the SP can test here the Map is running correctly.
Thanks to JohnWick78 and Tobi for the many hours that I could annoy you and thank you for the hours of tests.
Many thanks to all the modders provide your production for installation on Maps.
The map may, using the original link, will also be published on other sites.