Sudhemmern MultiFruit v3.0 FS 2019
Fruit types:
Asparagus incorporated as a new fruit, added to the crop.
Liquid fertilizer (fertilizer and water out = liquid fertilizer out)
Peat production in the peat plant (diesel out = peat out); Torfwerk newly installed.
Cherry production (compost and peat and water out = cherries out)
Plum production (compost and peat and water = plums out)
Sugar production (sugar beet or sugar ear and water out = sugar out)
Rum production (sugar cane and water and sugar out = rum out)
Yoghurt production (cherries and plums and sugar and milk = yoghurt out)
Schnapps production (wheat or rye and potato and water and chips = schnapps out)
MilkMax (Milk out and Milk out)
New fill types:
Peat, cherries, prunes, sugar, yogurt, brandy, UHT milk and rum. Rum, brandy, UHT milk and yogurt can be added with the attached tanker
be transported.
For all new fruit and filling types the bearings are extended; the farm filling station also serves as
Bearings up to 32,000 l. The central warehouse for the products (opposite the refinery) expands for the new products.
Sold at:
Hotel, tavern, country trade, garden center 2 and guest house
Sale goods:
Peat, seed, fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, mixed ration, pig feed can be produced and sold.
Compost can now be applied in the manure spreader as fertilizer.