Silvercrest Valley V 3.0 Chopped Straw LS 17
This is a edited version of Goldcrest Valley and my first mod.
The changes are:
> New farm with silo, barn, cows, sheeps, pigs and chicken.
> Small edit to sawmill and minor changes to the rest of the map.
> You can load the equipment back to the farm.
> More Trees
Copped straw mod implemented. (can be downloaded from the mod hub)
Built new extension to farm and added 4 new storage silos.
1 Seeds and Fertilizers 50k(you can not refill directly to seeder/fertilizer from silo).
2 Straw and hay barn barn 300k.
3 Forage, PigFood, Grass, Silage, Chaff. 325k.
4 Water 85k and 125k at greenhouse area(you need a water trailer that can fill from above, something like Kotte Universal trailers from Farmer_Andy will work).
Greenhouse area for placeable greenhouses and with water silo.
Buy points for fertilizers and seeds.
New train stations/sell points.
New fields.
New roads and a lot of small things around the map.
More tees!
Fixed the errors from v2.0 and added new collisions for ground and buildings.
V 2.0
Rebuilt the sell points for grain, manure, slurry and animals.
Extended the farm with more storage and a workshop.
Added animated gates/lights.
Built new roads + small things around the map.
Fixed the animal freeze problem +++.
Added some new starting equipment.
V 1.4
Moved wool pallet spawn point.
Fixed Cran.
Removed silo walls(Will bring them back when giant makes an update)
Moved viechle spawn point so you can place silo extentions
V 1.2
Fixed feeding triggers for cow and pigs.
V 1.1
I had to move the silo, it made a bug with the hayloft-sell trigger so you did not get money for the straw and grass.
Fixed Animal dirt zone.(not able to remove grass in front of cows)
The log is clean