Schlüter Pack V 2 LS 2017
Version 2
Neu in der V2
1.Blinker in der Amatur verbaut
2.Frontladerkonsole neu
3.Frontlader neue decals jetzt BAAS
4.Store pic 1900 neu
5.Scheiben Neu
6.Frontscheibe zum öffnen
7.Zwei neue gewichte 450 u.650Kg
8.Schnellkuppeldreieck im shop zu kaufen
9.Super 1500 auch mit Frontladerkonsole
10. Modell Super 1050 Special hinzugefügt
11. Pflegebereifung 1050 u. 1250
12.Oberlenker vorne getauscht
Motorsound kommt in der V3
Here my FS17 Schlüter Pack for you
Version 2
New in V2
1.Blinker installed in the Amatur
2.Frontloading console new
3.Frontlader new decals now BAAS
4.Store pic 1900 new
5.Screen New
6.Front disk to open
7. Two new weights 450 u.650Kg
8.Schnellkuppeldreieck in the shop to buy
9.Super 1500 also with front loader console
10. Added the Super 1050 Special
11. Care nursing 1050 and 1250
12.Oberlenker at the front exchanged
Motorsound comes in the V3
Super 1250 VL Special
Super 1500 TVL Special
Super 1800 TVL Special
Super 1900 TVL Special
Fittingly handlers for 1250
Matching 750Kg weight
Doors and windows with IC
All with Rüfa
Many configurations in shop buyable
have fun with it
100% error free and dedi fit
All FS17 standards
Mfg schlueterfan1977