Same Fortis V 1.0 Beta FS2017
Hi Com!
Today I want to introduce you to my Same Fortis series is available.
This is for those who do not want to see the green of my Deutz 6 series on the field
The small changes, in addition to adding more setups, you can even explore. But a few pictures to show you already know what to expect.
There are currently current 6-cylinder engine types to choose from, ie from 140 hp to 210 hp. As already what was to be one or the other case.
The basic model you can purchase with a whopping 138000, for the 210hp variant you must then still 47500 drauflegen addition.
Each model can raise standards, wide tires or Pflegebereifung, Aussderdem you can expand a Frontladerkonsole each model.
As you have seen in the version, it is a BETA, so constructive criticism is like any mod of me welcomes!
I told you yet “gearboxAddonConfig” packed in the zip for those who want to use the horny GearBox Mogli hire (which is here: http://www.fsmods17.com/gearboxaddon-github-fs-17/ . In the case just the file to the modfolder.
More there is not for me to say.
Please, have fun testing, and, if time allows, comment, rate and who wants to thank