Niederbayern Map v1.6 FS2019
Hello dear com
after some construction time comes an update of my project of Lower Bavaria because it is to be a complete / new building is again quite a few things happened
there were some bugs fixed
BGA and yard silos adapted
durchfahrts hall was replaced by one for me own built transit hall
chicken coop new version installed
Shop was cleaned (objects are no longer visible in the garage)
New V1.6
start vehicles slightly enlarged and adapted the map
both yards have a new cowshed, new pigsties as each get a new sheepfold Main Courtyard
was something changed Main
courtyard has a yard BGA get
The original BGA was replaced by a new
hop farm (sellpoint)
Brewery (sellpoint)
New eggs Point of sale
at the bottom right of the map a site for a farm to build itself are now 4 yard areas
New fruit varieties (hops onions carrots tobacco)
the water below is gone and we have new land
Total acreage about 110ha
Forest area slightly expanded
Field 9 10 11 and 12 edited (at the moment Final stand)
Horses have found their place
Deco Set!
Dealer Decoration The cardboard was replaced;)
Cattle yard belonging to the main yard was changed
The BGA trolley with function!
Farmlands adapted
New PDA 2te yard
Adapted Rebuilt
Nachtlich Built on all silos
new sawmill + forest
All forest areas newly created Main
courtyard, courtyard, horse farm, sharp & kuhhof lit