Hello everybody,
Is the same version, only under a different link, because the old one had expired.
The time has come. The pack is ready. You get 35 houses / shelters / silos ect. in the beautiful USA – Style .. beautiful red: D
See pictures
The pack about 320 Mb … yes I know a bit big .. but that’s just the same 😉
I have dispensed with various silos, as these can also be used from the old Hofpack. They also fit very well in the USA
So as a demo and what you can build anything from it. (The pictures are from the savegame)
2 x farmhouse one blue the other white
1 x yard silo small
+ Extention
1 x yard silo big
6 x shelters
2 x cowshed
1 x pasture
2 x pigsty
1 x chicken coop
1 x horse stable
1 x sheepfold
1 x gas station
1 x water tower
1 x yard sign
1 x US flag
2 x wedge silo
1 x silo
Various fences in white
and much more
I hope you like it.
Lg Bernie