Mining & Construction Economy V 0.8 Platinum FS 17
Version 0.8 Platinum
– Wood cranes fix
– gold nugget at the train bridge fix
– new excavation point at the village
– all heaps full on start
If you are farming simulator purist then this map is not for you, because this map has many tasks to do instead of cultivating, harvesting, feeding animals etc.
This map is a modification of Goldcrest Valley.
What is new in this map:
This map has a open sky mine where you can extract stone, limestone, soil, coal and water.
You use the stone crusher for the production of gravel, sand and stonepowder. You use a limestone crusher for the production of cement. Use tout-venant facilities for production of tout-venant and use asphalt facilities for the production of asphalt.
With the soil you can extract gold at goldmaster, the gold appears in a box and you can sell at the bank next to the store machine.
With the gravel, sand, cement, and riversand2 (you need extract riversand) you can produce concrete at the concrete factory, and sell the concrete in the village construction area, also you can sell sand, gravel, tailings and boardwoods.
In the sawmill exist a new facilitie for production boardwood.
All animal facilities (cows, sheeps, chickens and pigs) are in main farm.
Exist a harbor here you can sell all products of the map. You can use the veihicles or you can use the new train system.