Version3 UPDATE
For the gameplay you don’t need a new savegame unless you wanna see the 8 trees i added near the mainyard.
-problem at tipplace BGA solved, something blocked the way
-replaced a few old shaders
-removed and replaced the prisonwall’s around the mainyard
-and most of all , cleaned up the files and reduced the filesize from 1.9GB to 1.3GB
it will load faster.
-tested and solved few issue’s
This is version 2 and the final version of Mavericksfarm and Seasons ready
Unless there appear some problems i will short them out if possible.
I added allot in the second version and improved some things.
– cut down the forestry area,it was to big ans i hear it makes the area laggy.
– removed the sawmill for boardpallets and placed 2 woodfactory’s in place.
-changed palletfactory’s and moved to forestry area
-improved BGA area an changed biodiesel area
-removed the little greenhouses and created one big greenhouse that produce 8 different fruits
-removed pallets from greenhouse,compost is needed to produce instead.
-added manure,seeds and fertilizer to farmsilo’s
-removed all trees and renewed to work with the seasons mod
-tried to label everything for your comfort.
-the map has 2 placeable area’s made snowfree , it’s marked on the PDA
Slurryseperator(pro nature)
Fertilizer factory
Seed factory
V1 factory’s : weaving mill , palletfillingfactory , milkfactory …..
PS: make sure you don’t have other maps in your modfolder because that probably will cause conflicts for this map.
This was my first map and my first steps in map modding, now i know how much work this is i respect all modders even more.
This map was a learning proces , i hope you enjoy the map.
After a few weeks rest i probably gonna make another normal size map so solo players also can enjoy a map of mine.