Maibaum By Farmerfivetom for FS 17
At the beginning of May, many mayors in Bavaria are put up with a maypole.
Also Pullhausen has set up a maypole again this year.
Therefore, he was not missing in my current mapping project (A 1: 1 replica of my hometown).
Short speech, long sense:
I decided to give you (may be a little late) the maypole as a prefab file.
With regard to upcoming LS versions, I have therefore made the textures high-resolution and also modeled the tree (as far as the GiantsEngine allowed) via Blender Detailreich.
The uppermost flags and the wreath are variable.
Likewise, the cross can be aligned with the four cardinal directions, so that the tree fits every map.
If the current chalkboard figures do not suit your village, because maybe something does not exist, or something is missing, then it is sufficient to edit the “maibaumTafeln.dds” (eg with Paint.net) and save it as DXT3 with MipMaps.