LS 25 TZ CCSN Pack V1.0.0.0
TZ CCSN beacon pack for the LS25. These lights can be installed via shared beacon lights!!! (Entries for beacon lights are available)
Object type: shared light
Required scripts: none (are installed like the standard rotating beacons)
Other: has dirt etc.
This beacon pack includes:
Comet S LED: orange, blue, red, dual color blue/orange
Comet LED: orange, blue, red, green, dual color blue/orange, dual color red/green
Saturn LED: orange, blue, red
Nova L2 LED: orange, blue, red
Comet Xenon: orange, blue, red
Saturn xenon: orange, blue, red
Nova Xenon: orange, blue, red
Speed camera:
Sputnik SL horizontal: orange, blue, red, green, white
Sputnik SL vertical: orange, blue, red, green, white
Sputnik Hybrid L/R: orange, blue, red, green, white
Mountings for beacons: magnet and rod mounting
INFO: The xml’s for “Beaconlights” and “l10n” are also included in the pack.
Tested by: MLP, TB.Simulations and Sosi Modding. (Thanks for testing)
I wish you a lot of fun with the beacons and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025.