LS 25 Renault Master L4H3 v1.1.0.3
Hello everyone!
– Modification of the wheels to remove the stains and put them in Udim
To start my FS25 adventure, what could be better than a little Renault Master L4H3!
This Renault Master L4H3, represents many hours of work, the idea my coming following the Live of En3rgie5 which was on it that my previous Master has no interior
I decided to remedy it!
This Renault Master, made entirely by me, has a large configuration panoply:
– Gyrophare configuration (6 different locations and choice on the rotary or flashing)
– Strobes configuration (0; 2 or 4 strobes)
– Tag configuration (yes or no)
– Roof configuration (yes or not with the possibility of adding beacons and lights, or exceptional custom convoys)
– Company configuration -> Tractor brand and agricultural tool/TP company/Kingmods logo (14 possibilities in all)
– Engine configuration
– Hitching configuration
And here are the characteristics:
– Functional straps
– Animated door with mouse clicks
– Complete and well textured interior
– reflective markup
All republication with a different link is prohibited
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You have a maximum of a maximum with ^^
For any questions, you can ask them directly in the comments, I will answer them with pleasure as soon as possible.
Know that modes of mods can take place, I have nothing to do with it and in no case can I correct this problem.
I sincerely hope you like it! ^^
I wish you all a good day and a good game with this magnificent Renault Master L4H3.