LS 25 More Flours v1.0.0.0
Adds a grain mill to produce maize, soy and peas flour in addition to those already present by default Included in the mod you will find:
Grain mill:
– Category: placeable – productions
– Price: $288000
– Monthly upkeep: $90
Small grain mill (with faster production cycles):
– Category: placeable – productions
– Price: $36000
– Monthly upkeep: $30
Flour selling station:
– Category: placeable – productions – selling stations
– Price: $1000
– Monthly upkeep: $0
Production recipes (in addition to those already present by default):
Input: maize
Output: maize flour.
Input: soybeans
Output: soy flour.
Input: peas
Output: peas flour.
– Balanced the selling prices of maize, soybean and pea flour*
– Revised production cycles to make them more balanced with those of the default flours.
– Flour pallets are now manually liftable.
– You may have to wait until the next game year to see the price changes in the price menu.
If you think that the prices of flours are not too high and you like them that way, then do not install this update.