LS 22 Unitrac WoodTrans LE v1.1.0.0
The Unitrac WoodTrans LE (wood transporter) is a Landbauer Edition home-built. It is ideal for transporting tree trunks with a cutting length of 6 to 9 meters.
The modDesc version has been increased
An error in the choice of colors has been corrected/resolved
A steering axle has been integrated/added
Unitrac WoodTrans LE
Purchase price: €49,995
Trunk lengths: 8 – 9 m
Shop category: Shop / Devices / Miscellaneous
Languages: German, English, Français, Italiano, Spanish, Polski
MOD file size: 4.54 MB
Attention: The “Unitrac saddle plate LE” MOD is mandatory!
When driving with tension belts after loading, unwanted movements of the trunks can occur, which can influence the driving behavior. In this case, it is best to save the game with tension straps and restart it, after which this problem is 99% solved. Unfortunately that depends on the game.
This is a purely fictitious device, it does not exist in reality, just like the Unitrac +electric LE that is available for this purpose!