LS 22 Savonmaa Map v1.1.3.2
The nature in the middle of the lakes is very beautiful but you have to work hard to make a living in here.
A big economic overhaul. All prices and price fluctuations recalculated.
The sawmill produces new kind of pallets that are easier to lift. On easy level you’ll get a telehandler for this job.
Grass vanishes now during the winter.
Less snow at the shopping areas.
The terrain is rough and rocky, and cold and dark winter doesn’t make things any easier.
This is mainly a forestry map but you can do whatever you want; crops, animals, production, anything goes.
The map includes:
Different forest types with more than 5000 trees
13 fields which are not flat and square
Buyable custom sawmill, grain mill and a farm with horsepasture
Small lots for your production buildings
Selling points for almost all of the products
Vehicle shop, gas station and animal dealer
Free slurry and manure
Realistic scandinavian weather
Custom crop calendar and finnish license plates (by Mr_Mazzony) and much more
Those farmlands where your neighbours live are not for sale and you can not interact with their buildings.
Known issues:
items that should be hidden during the winter do appear when you load a save. Apparently the game does not know which season is going on.
Things go back to normal at 1st day of the next month.
Increased Light Range – It will be dark during the winter, so this is a must.
Any Sleep Trigger mod – Because there is none by default.
Kesla ND144HD – If you do forestry, this is so much better than the original.
Advanced Greenhouses – You have an easy access to water, manure and woodchips.