LS 22 Production Info Hud V0.2.0.0
– Productions with a full starting warehouse are displayed first
– The font is now colored for full warehouses (red) and for empty inbound warehouses (orange)
– The mod is now translatable, en and de is already included
– With left shift + P the display can be switched off and on (adjustable)
– Adjustment to patch from Giants to the changed productions.
The display is still in game days.
However, it is displayed what will be empty in the next 2 months, depending on the set days per month, this is different.
The first version of the productions Info Hud, known from the LS 19.
Since the LS19 version was built on Global Company dialogues and methods, this first version now comes without setting options.
The first version has the following, non-customizable properties.