LS 22 Mountain Hill 2022 – 4-fach v4.0.0.0
Multifruit || incl. Revamp Script || Tobacco, hemp and hops (including equipment) || New productions
Added missionsVehicle.xml for multi-fruit missions
Added a multisilo at the Farmerhof for all types of fruit (can be bought and sold)
Ropa and Grimmepack integrated into the map vehicles (only one cutter required for turnips, potatoes, onions, carrots, red and white cabbage)
The fruits of red and white cabbage have been reduced in size
Changed the texture of onions and carrots
Added hops as a new fruit (vine stocks available in the vine shop) (incl. harvester and trimmer)
Brewery added as a new production
Added fertilizer crafting (mineral and liquid fertilizer) to lime production
Fixed blemishes on the terrain (adjusted bumps and slopes)
Farmlands changed and new ones added
Adjusted production speeds
Fixed deco grass at field edges
Sawmill now also produces empty pallets
Empty pallets can be delivered as a booster in all productions with pallet output
Added paper factory as a new production
Removed Millet from the FruitTypes
You need A NEW SAVEGAME for this version.
What has been fixed and changed in this version can be found in the “Versions” tab and in the description.
On the one hand, the revamp script from “braeven” was integrated, which is also a prerequisite for playing the map.
The script because it makes productions more diverse and has many advantages. Just look at it.
I also recommend the pallet autoloader specialization from Achimobil, which also loads the tobacco and hemp bales.
Link for autoloader script: Palette Autoloader Specialization
Here are a few key data about the map:
Snow roofs would be added everywhere on buildings from LS19.
Decoration depends on time, weather conditions and season.
Parasols, laundry, pool water is gone in winter, but there are street stamps in winter.
What else, you will see for yourself.
You cannot use what does not belong to you (pastures, stockyards, contractors, etc.)
Rye, triticale, spelt, onion, carrots, red cabbage, white cabbage, poppy seeds, tobacco, hemp and hops (hops in the shop where wine can be bought)
2 harvesters for tobacco and hemp can be found in the map under “Vehicles > FM Modding”.
Trailers for molasses and biogas can be found in the map under “Devices > FM modding”.
Grimme and RopaPack for earth fruits integrated in the shop “Vehicles/Devices > FM modding.
Hop harvester and cutter also available in the shop under FM modding.
Hay pellets, straw pellets, wood pellets, molasses, bran, compost, seeds, cigars, cigarettes, lime, mineral fertilizers, liquid fertilizers, hemp oil, soybean oil, paper, empty pallets and beer.
The card is almost fully retracted with AutoDrive.
Main roads, secondary roads, country roads, country lanes, forests, points of sale, production facilities
What still has to be brought in is the seed, tobacco, beer, paper and lime production.
In addition, I leave it to you to drive in Farmerhof, Lohni and Viehhof.
Here is the link for the AutoDrive file AutoDrive Course – Mountain Hill 2022
One more please…
Mod or fruit theft does not have to be!!!!
Just ask me on Discord
Now I wish you a lot of fun with my map.