LS 22 Modular Shed v1.1.0.0
A pack of modules from which you can build your own shed. Pack included 11 modules (6 base and 20 extensions) in diffrent configurations. All modules have colorable roof and walls(22 colors available).
– Adjusted price
– Adjusted clipDistance
– Improved dirt and moss
– Added modules with doors (3 base and 12 extension)
Size: 5m x 10m with 4.5m height entrance
Price: 4000$ – 12000$ per modul
1) Level the terrain where you want to build and ENABLE free-mode
2) If you want to place in 90deg rotation, just ENABLE snapping, modules will snap to each other perfectly, and go to step 4)
3) If you want use other rotation, DISABLE snapping and position modules by hand, it`s less accurate, but it`s possible to place modules correctly
4) Start building with 1 base modul and then add extension modules which you like and how many you like