LS 22 Metal Products Factory v3.2.1.0
Sorry for messing up the links; this is the real update; it was supposed to be failed, not published, but I was misunderstood…
Changed the building for iron ore production (a better crusher, no errors);
Added metal as fillType to avoid errors when playing without Platinum DLC;
Fixed the buyable pallets, thanks to [PolyCount]Taz; now have correct collision and weight, also is a fix for the empty pallets production (update soon, Revamped), because the game got confused and produced infinite pallets. Also price lowered to 1500 and when buying eight, will pay only 10500 instead of 12k. Updates coming to all the productions that have buyable pallets; will update the pack too, but later, because I am adding new things to it.
This factory produces nails, wood screws, bolts and nuts, metal flat bars, wire, empty milk cans, round and square pipes, empty tin cans, empty beer kegs and empty oil drums obtained by providing metal from the Iron Furnace or iron ore from the included iron ore production.
There is no need for Platinum DLC anymore, made a fillType from stones – thanks to [PolyCount]Taz for the fillPlane edit – that will work even without the DLC. If playing with the DLC, the iron ore will be the same.
If adding empty pallets, you’ll get a boost in productivity.
Included the Iron ore production that will make the ore from stones.
There is no need for a selling point, because all the products can be sold on the map.