LS 22 Map Fazenda Piratininga v1.0.0.0
Piratininga Farm
Farm was based on the THIRD LARGEST FARM IN BRAZIL located in the Goías and Tocantins Region.
Crops like, in addition to all the original crops in the game, you can also grow beans and coffee.
Piratininga Farm has an airport, a large cow corral and can accommodate up to 250 head of cattle.
More than 40 purchasable fields, small town with vehicle store, animal seller, bale seller, sawmill, 2 large silos for sale
of products, large forest area to work with wood, round fields to work with Pivô. A large headquarters with houses
employees, large warehouses for heavy machinery.
Mapa has its quarry for purchasing limestone, two large lakes and several rivers to obtain water.