LS 22 Iveco X-Way PEMP 19m (Enedis) v1.5.0.0
Hello everyone! After the crane, here is the PEMP 19 m! A must-have for Enedis vehicles!
– Flocking entirely revisited in order to correspond to the Charter Vehicles Enedis 2023
(Best quality logo)
-Change of logo on cones and safety vests
– Addition of insurance and technical control stickers
– Possibilities to leave the ferry with (E) and stay on the ferry in free movement
– Logo in the Shop revisited
HP: 280 hp
vmax: 87 km/h
tank: 400 L
Weight: 16t8
IC on Trunk, Beacon, Triflash, Ladder, Door, Skates, Wedges… etc…
Functional Pod (Press X to deploy Pod mode)
Several different configurations in the shop!
Big thank you to the Maxtix Nord Project for the 3D of the cabin!
If you have any suggestions, don’t hesitate, so that I can improve my future mods.
Good game, everyone!