LS 22 Hillibee Creek v1.0.0.4
Welcome to Hillibee Creek, pronounced hill-a-bee, is a world on its own where you are in charge of your own future.
– Removed all the small trees in the wooded areas and added new trees.
– Added 3 hardwood planted areas.
– Added wood container sell point to the sawmill with a sign to show where it is.
– Sawmill land must be purchased to use the sawmill or wood container sell point to start from scratch.
NEW SAVE OPTIONAL, will replace cut-down trees.
– Updated overview PDA.
– Removed a shortcut that was glitching too, and delete many trees.
– Corrected production points in town, so they are usable.
– Added more farmland, total is 105.
– Added sleep trigger to starting a farm and made the entire farm sellable also separated the land from forestry land.
– Replaced gates on farm 2.
– Removed random light fixure and useless buildings by selling all.
– Replaced spruce trees that were losing collisions and correct tree heights.
– Made the entire town functional for production and sellable.
– Added pedestrians, traffic, and air splines.
– Added lights around town.
– Made storage silo placeable.
– Made truck and trailer at a workshop owned and sellable.
– Made all fields individually buyable and sellable.
– Made large building by train wood point sellable.
– Move mailboxes away from the road.
– Make roads buyable.
– Updated Stone Quarry ground texture and added lights.
– Added another creek crossing.
– Added streetlights to the neighborhood porch lights.
– Added sidewalks.
– Added in-game collectibles.
– Made an area where you can cut trees and all trees of that certain type will delete off map.
Starting in New Farmer you have to make the choice of being a farmer or logger right off the bat.
With minimum equipment furnished to you at the start, you can sell off your unused equipment to buy more for your desired career choice.
Whether you decide to become the best logger or farmer in the world, there is still plenty to do and explore.
– 105 Farmlands
– 35 Fields
– 5 self-owned fields in new farmers.
– Numerous production setups.
– Train circles half the map for logs, and grain products.
– In order to sell grain from the storage silos of the train, they must be loaded onto a truck and transported to the selling point.
– Train Wood Yard has an invisible sell point under the shed so when the train passes through it sells instantly.
– Several 1000 acres of farming and logging.
– Custom-owned cow pasture in new farmer.
– Custom sell point located at a sawmill just for boards and furniture.
– A couple of creek crossings that aren’t listed on the map.
– Stone quarry in the back center of the forestry area.