LS 22 Great Land Big Water Multifruit Map v5.1.0.0
Hello dear LS22 friends
Version Multifruit V 5.1
1. Lamps lowered in the village. Was partly up in the air.
2. Fixed the floating tree on the rock formation between tile 10 and 12.
3. I have found obstacles on the large bridges to the left and right of it, which unfortunately are do not remove. But I don’t see the obstacles as a reason to tear down the bridges now and somehow rebuild everything. Not really annoying either. Please understand.
4. Large bridges given a new coat of paint. (Texture color readjusted)
5. Signpost created and installed (observatory, viewing platform).
6. Slight corrections sound stalactite cave.
7. Adjusted clip distances.
8. Deco installed.
Version Multifruit V 5.0
1. Ferry installed with deco.
2. Built-in solar panel.
3. Added many more decorations and animations.
4. Optimized textures.
Version Update Multifruit V4.0.1
1. Added red cabbage and white cabbage as another type of feed for the pigs.
2. Chipboard and screen printing plates corrected so that the pallets are no longer emptied from bottom to top but from top to bottom.
3. Added fish splines.
4. Added more decoration.
Version Multifruit V4
1. Deco (complete map supplied with power lines, surfers, power distribution box, whale and splines repositioned due to collision) and some more installed.
2.Trigger pallet acceptance at Saegewerk2 (screen printing plates and chipboard production) corrected.
3. Terrain changes for installation of power poles and power lines.
It’s finally time. After several months of construction I have finally managed my Map to finish and present to you. There are far more than 20 productions, many animated objects and much more on the map.
For more information, see below. Grass in the final stage is at the beginning only on the yard area and up to the road available. On the rest of the map it is in medium Growth stage. There is not snow on all the roofs of the buildings.
To do this, you would have to have more time which I unfortunately can not muster and deal with certain software know.
I think that does not detract from the game, however. I thank the team Rheinlandpfalz / Markus for the release of the fruit varieties and their textures. A helicopter I found on the net, unfortunately I could not find out the creator or builder, but I would like to thank you for this also quite cordially and if that is not is desired, then I will of course remove the again.
There are 20 MC_coins (each € 8000 reward) placed on the map, which you must find and as a conclusion at the 20 MC_coin awaits you again a reward of 100 000 €.
Fields: A total of 38, while not much, but the possibility to create many more.
For further production or also yards are several open spaces available.
Information about the map you can take on 2 purchasable boards which are placeable.
To be found in the tree menu Decorations/Other. Likewise, I have 2 fountains, to buy for each 200 € Daily cost 0 € (but Free water) as well as a wash station 200 € Daily cost 5 € created and installed.
Can be found in the building menu Building/Tools. A soft filling station for 23500 € you can also acquire, the daily cost is 7 €. Another vehicle hall can be found in the store for 32500 €. Daily costs are at 15 €. Other objects were installed.
The map is prepared for Precision Farming DLC
Information: attachments for the Precision Farming DLC can be found in-game at Equipment/Diveres. I have also included 10 more landscaping textures which enhance the Names earth, mixed forest, cobblestone, beach sand, concrete, gravel, dirty Gravel, sidewalk, gravel sidewalk, and riverbed which some are from USMap.
Other crops: carrots, onions, lavender, alfalfa, rye, red cabbage, white cabbage, poppy seeds,
Hops and clover. The map includes self-created storage options that you can choose from the tree menu
under silos can be found.
Here you can store: carrots, onions, potatoes, Sugar beets, sugar beet pulp, red cabbage, white cabbage, sugar cane, hops, chaff,
Grass, hay, straw, silage, compost, forage, manure, pig feed, wood chips and Mixed feed. There are 4 warehouses available and cost per warehouse 22450 € Daily cost are at 17 €. All MC Mapping objects are saleable. However, camps should be previously be cleared.In the game’s own fruit silos you can store: wheat, barley, oats, Rape, sunflower, soybeans, corn, sorghum, lavender, poppy, rye and malt.
Other warehouses such as liquid fertilizer warehouse, herbicide warehouse, fertilizer warehouse, lime warehouse and Seed stores have been built and added, which can be purchased in the store.
Finally there are also more game custom storage options.
Productions: different types of fruit, bakery production, brewery, various juice manufacturing, diesel manufacturing, ice cream manufacturing, wooden barrel manufacturing, Pallet manufacturing, cardboard production, potato products, clothing / fabric manufacturing, Wood charcoal production, malt production, flour production, dairy products, furniture manufacturing, Pellet manufacturing, red cabbage as well as white cabbage manufacturing, rum and whiskey manufacturing, Sawmills, log production, butchery, tobacco production, sugar production, Cigarette manufacturing and some more.
Animated objects: Eagles, seagulls, fish, ducks, crabs, helicopters, zeppelin, Passenger plane, sailboats, motor yachts, ships, paraglider, hot air balloon and some more.
Required mods 1. A Production Revamp will be Automatically Downloaded in the game, If you follow the hints and confirm with Yes. Takes a few seconds.
Go back again, wait and start again.
This mod includes: FS22_productionsLimitIncreaser120 (This mod increases the maximum Number of productions you can place on a savegame). By default, a maximum of 60 productions are possible, this mod increases the number to 120.
This mod also includes:
FS22_A_Pallet fix.
FS22_A_Palletfix functionality integrated into Revamp,
FS22_productionsLimitIncreaser120 – Functionality integrated into Revamp
FS22_buyProductionInput – Functionality integrated in Revamp, also in multiplayer,
FS22_fixProductionPointSelling – Functionality integrated into Revamp,
FS22_morepalletsfix – Functionality integrated into Revamp,
FS22_PalletFixer – Functionality integrated into Revamp.
Recommended Mods 1. MoreTrees (With this script, the tree limit (plantable trees on a map) is increased. There are many other nice mod which can beautify the map.
Log is error free. So, way too much written.
And now I wish you good luck and have fun with the map