LS 22 Great Krampe Pack v3.0.0.1
Krampe pendant
Bandit 550, 750, 800, 980 and trailers and Dolly 20L
Latest Version v3.0.0.1
Unloading sound roller tape
optionally, higher filling volumes can be configured
Fixed texture error tailgate unloading process
animated conveyor belt in all trailers and the semi-trailer !!
Crochet flap to be opened in the 60s and 80s structure (left mouse button)
trailing axles
Choice of color for the exterior color, tape, rim color and chassis in the semi trailer
Sound when loading and unloading and opening and closing the cover
License plate and license plate lighting
Level indicator left and right
Soft cover covers in Bandit 750 and SemiTrailer (in original Krampe mesh texture)