LS 22 Genie Telescopic Boom DISTEL Location v2.0.0.0
Hey! For this 5th mod I offer you a nice nacelle modification!
Change in max speed 7 -> 10km/h!
Added side control station (present IRL but fictitious in game! To see functional future update!)
Change icon in the mod manager!
Change icon in the store!
Change of the logo in the Génie store -> DISTEL!
New screens!
If you blow up the DL! I create the opening in the basket with an IC and on the panel you can start from below to turn on the lights and rotating beacons! Come on, let’s get HOT!
– Retextured Genie Pod!
– Unique DISTEL Location edition!
– Great for your Role Play!
– Detailed (fictional) side control panel (made by me 1 hour)
– Various stickers such as: (safety instructions / 10km/h disc / IRL logos and details!)