LS 22 Farmall 6 Series v1.0.0.0
Here is the Farmall Series 6 pack i converted from FS19 i did a clean up of this model and added a few things of my own to them. Also added a 826 to the pack and the IH 2350 front end loader. Tractor is completely redone using UDIM textures. I added manual transmission to this tractor along with a working TA. It still has most of the same options it did in fs19 except the different engine sounds b.c the script is not converted to fs22 yet and i didnt know how else to do it. Tried to keep everything same as it was in fs19 that i could. Theres only 2 errors when u run the test runer 1 is the poly warning and other is the cache and i cant fig out how to get rid of the cache warning but other then those 2 errors shes error free. Still requires IC mod. I take no credit in making this mod i just converted it and added few things to it. IF any other errors let me know and i will look into them. Thanks and Enjoy everyone.