LS 22 Electric pallet truck V1.0.0.0
The electric pallet is used to transport, collect, palletize and has a function to hook pallets and power fill and unload them and you can also fasten the pallets with tapes and it has a pallet that allows you to put mini-tanks of liquid and hold them, patience with this mod is in beta and you have to be careful when handling it it can cause unwanted movements.
Use hold tapes first then raise it to transport pallets, then get under a pipe to fill the pallets or unload them in an unloading area keep the pallet on the ground without raising it and press the Q key it will allow you to hook the pallets to offer you the download or fill options.
This package includes:
Electric Pallet Truck
Price: 1450
Speed: 18km/h
Fully animated
Configuration: cargo lock
Configuration: main color
Configuration: design color
Fillable Pallet
Price: 350
Capacity: 2000l
Liquid tank
Price: 300
Capacity: 2000l
Tank top
Price: 100
Capacity: 200l
Pallet with Tension Belts
Price: 150
Accepts: Liquids and grains.
Upcoming Releases: Map, modular megafactory, new harvesting technologies with machines included and much more.
Thanks for the support and enjoy the mod.