LS 22 Dragon’s Den Production Extension v1.7.0.0
Added Soybean Oil, Carp, Catfish, Pike, Fish Feed, Broccoli, Pineberry, Cheesecake, Chocolate Cheesecake, Blackberry Danish, Fish Sticks, French Toast, Cinnamon, Macaroni & Cheese, Chicken Alfredo, Maple Candy, Potato Wedges, Peanut Butter, and Salsa.
Added sugar from maple sap
Added Straw bale trigger to cow Barn.
Added DD Fish Farm, DD saw Mill
Make a backup of your game save before updating the mod
Note: If you use the upgrade Factory mod you must delete the Greenhouse, Greenhouse Hoop, and Orchard before updating to 1.7, or else you will get a game-crashing error.