LS 22 Disc Harrow 2.7m v1.0
Half-mounted disc Lizard 2.7m:
Price: € 4,000.
Category: Disc harrows.
Required power: 50 hp
Working width: 2.7m
Color Configurations:
Color of the plate frame.
Color of the Plates.
Configurations of the plateau:
Spare wheel.
Talerzówka It has:
Depress on V key.
Standard FS22 Animation.
Hydraulic hoses.
No editing.
Prohibition of changing the link.
Ban on adding to modpacks.
It is forbidden to impersonate the authors.
How do you go to other forums, give the original link and the name of the author.
Please appreciate my hard work.
After obeying the Bans, there will be more polished mods.
If you see any mistake, write me and I will try to correct it.
Regards AgroPhoto.