LS 22 Diekhusen Map v1.0.0.0
Welcome to Diekhusen, a fictional small town in East Friesland.
You can expect:
– 52 small to large fields
– 3 farms
– A contractor
– A small BGA
– A chicken coop
– A sheep pasture on the dike
– 6 points of sale
Since the map was based on Ostfriesland, it is kept very flat (except for the dike).
Most of the roads are narrow and are more suitable for small to medium-sized tractors and implements.
Before you start, you can choose between 4 starting farms: arable farming, dairy farming, pig fattening
or contractors. However, they can also be bought later via the plots of land. For the auto drive
Friends, have the courses already run in and will be loaded at the start (when asked whether the courses should be created automatically, please select “No”).
I would also like to thank “ls_oldtimer” and the forum “forbidden-mods” for the release of the mods “Deutz D8006-D13006”
and “John Deere Lanz MD250S”.
If you notice any errors or problems, please let me know
I hope you like the map.
Have fun.