LS 22 Blackwater Bottoms v1.0.0.1
Added water to ditches
Added grass missions
Added bale storage
Added Custom Grass
Added custom license plates
Added traffic spline to bring the map to life
Added pedestrian spline
Rearranged the buyable lands each field bought separately
Added soil map for the entire map
Added a challenge mode/map, make sure to check out the checkmark in front of the farmhouse
Added bale selling station that also accepts Chaff, Forage Mixing, Woodchips, and Manure
New Game Save Required
Welcome to Blackwater Bottoms-Blackwater Bottoms is based loosely on the area I live, in Johnson County Missouri. Blackwater is a River that meanders its way through miles of low
laying farmland often surrounded by dense trees. I have tried to recreate some of that in this map. This map has one farm with everything you need to become a successful farmer. All the fields are buyable
and all the grass between the fields, all animals, greenhouses, beehive and three fields are free for you. If you like grass this is also the map for you. This map includes
30 fields
54 buyable plots
1 forestry area
Gas Station
Farmers Market
Grocery Store
Grain Sales South
Bowling Alley
Oil Production
Cereal Factory
Furniture Production
Bee Hive
All base game animals and some buildings.