LS 22 1973 c30 tlx bed compatible v1.0.0.0
Probably the last version of that truck I make, made compatible with most (not all) tlx bed, (work best with the tlx82 bed) I shortened my frame, widened the rear axle to its original width as a dually (was as a chassis truck on the farm truck and car hauler) and made a mouse-controlled moveable attacher joint so you can adjust the bed to the truck, the tlx2020 bed you have to move the attacher joint quite far back and up to attach them and they bug to move afterward, it’s best to try, detach, move and reattach until it fit, the haul it and tlx82 bed don’t have that problem. I play on a Xbox controller so the control to move them is by pressing both LB+RB and moving the joystick, I have no idea where to go on a keyboard but that’s there lol, so yeah just try and see, since it’s just a small 2wd truck it doesn’t fit quite well with all the bed since all tlx pickup truck is 4×4 with the big tire.