Welcome to Lost Valley Farm 17 w/Seasons
V1.1 Change Log
fixed woodchip trigger at Sawmill
fixed blinking tree at cow zone
Increase seed, Fertilizer, and liquid Fertilizer storage to 500,000l at the farm
Increased fuel storage on Farm to 750,000l at the farm
Added Slurry Storage at the farm
Renamed Some sell points
Adjusted Prices at Spinnery
Removed Field in Parking Lot of Mill Storage
Fixed Floating Tree at Gas Station
Added Foliage In Forestry Area
V1.2 Change Log
Added animal food storage
Added 10 Animals in all areas
Added Fuel, Seeds, And Fertilizer To Storage
Added More Grains and Animal Food To Silos to Better Work With Seasons Mod
UPDATE: No Savegame Restart
The frozen cows, pigs, and sheep have been resolved. Unzip the file and take the map file from inside and drop it over your current map in the mod folder. That is all there is to it.
FINAL UPDATE: No SaveGame Restart Required
This is the final update to this map. I have added Kastors Meat Factory, JDMods Beer Brewery, and The IGA to the map. Milk sales has been turned off and the sell point has been put at the IGA. There is also now a McDonalds sell point and a Dunkin Donuts on the map for decoration. The map has several new trailers in the pack and the sheet that gives you details about the map. Please UNZIP the file after you download it.
NOTE: This version fixes the gate issue that Giants update broke. This really is the last update unless Giants breaks it again.
Thank you for downloading my map and I sincerely hope you enjoy it. The map is a standard size map and was built on a multifruit base with many production mods that will be familiar to you and some that might not.
The farm is based on a fictitious area of the United States and the farming is moderate to hard because of the terrain. With Seasons Mod in the map, the weather conditions in the winter could really change the game here.
The fields are a mix of natural fields and square cornered fields all of which have missions on them. The size are a mix of medium to large fields with a couple small ones for crops that you don’t need a large amount of.
Sell points include two mills, the market, McDonalds, and some auto sell points. There is straw sales on the map as well.
There are cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens on the map and I have set you up with 10 of each animal to get started. Don’t worry, there is also feed for them in the main silo on the farm and the small silo in the cow zone. Grass is plentiful on the map so cut is as needed and there is a fermenting silo in the cow yard. If you prefer to do silage the traditional way, there is a silage clamp there as well. The windmill in the cow yard offers you free water as do all the bodies of water on the map.
There is a mix feeder for the cows and the pigs in their respective yards as well.The water trough for the cows is out in the pasture and there is a feed trough out there as well as the one in the main stable.
Milk Sales
Milk does NOT auto sell on this map. You will need to take the milk to JD’s Market (the IGA) in town to sell it.
Meat Sales
Kastors Meat Factory is also on the map and you can take your pigs there to be butchered. The products are meat and sausage that come out of the factory and they can be sold at the market as well. Both milk and meat sales are in the rear of the building.
Wood Production
The standard board mill, the joinery, and the table plant are all on the map in the forestry area. You will need to take the time to fill them with logs if you want to make money from them. The profit from them is good so a little logging once a week could be very profitable for you.
There is also a chipper in the forestry area and you can sell chips at the saw mill near the water.
Flour Mill
The flour mill is on the river and you can make flour from wheat, barley, oat, rye, soybean, maize, triticale, and spelt crops. The system is automated so all you need to do is keep feeding it grains and it will keep sending you income.
Beer Brewery
There is a beer brewery in town and it runs on wheat, barley and water. You must use the BD Trailer in this pack to move the pallets and the sell at Lost Valley Brew House up the road near the BGA.
The greenhouses are located on the map just down from the main farm and require you to fill them with manure, compost, and water. The pallets of produce will autosell once they are full so keep them full and you will have a nice side income there.
The composter is at the top of the hill near field 16 and requires fuel to run. You can uses many different scrap materials to produce compost. It is a standard unit as seen on many maps around the community. You can use the compost to fertilize fields, for the greenhouses, place it in the bagging facility near the vehicle shop or sell it at the garden center.
Compost Bagging Plant
There is a compost bagging plant near the Vehicle shop. It is tucked away down a dirt road near the edge of the map. Put compost in and it will bag and sell it for you.
There is a seedMaster across the street from the farm at the overflow yard. Fill it with grains and liquid fertilizer and you can make all the seed you will ever need for the farm.
The BGA is a standard setup with 4 large clamps, two grinders (these have different prices so check before dumping), the biopro, and the manure separator inside the fence. The BIOPRO makes fertilizer (liquid and dry) and bio fuel. The fuel can be used in vehicles, the composter, and sold at the local gas station for a profit.
Silos and Overflow Storage
The main silo holds 5 millions liters per item and has the ability to store anything you make except fuel and fertilizer. There is a storage building on the map that holds another 5 million and a small silo at the cow yard that hold 1.5 liters of cow and pig feed as well as grass and other feed products.
There is storage for BioFuel on the farm. The large yellow tank holds 750,000 liters of fuel and is inside the large white barn on the main yard.
Fertilizer and seed storage is under the awning near the edge of the yard and those hold 500,000 liters each.