Liebherr 634 Ripper Edition + Atachable Ripper v1 for FS 19
FS Miner’s Creations!
Hello Miners This time I will present you one new mod and one upgrade mod you can use for mining or farming and Forestry .
I have done some upgrades at Liebherr 634 Ripper ( The mod corverted from Nonnus the credits goes to the authors at modesc)
I try for one week to make the bucket be level when the loader arm goes up , I did it but some secontary parts did not move
I hope be better at moding and can fix it at the future.
Upgrade list
Add Wheel Loader Attacher ( Now you can use Whell Loader Tools)
Add Front Position Lights
Add High Taillights
Add Beacon
Add Refllector Triangle
Add Safety Cage (I create at GE with one simple cylinder , but look nice <and homemade:P>)
Add Attacher for the Plow
I create four version ,every type includes the plow at FS Miner’s section at the shop
First Link Red Industrial Edition
First Link Grey Mining Edition
First Link Green Forestry Edition
First Link Yellow Construction
Cannot set four donload links here …To Download Follow The Youtube Link And Check At Description.
The ripper is my design and has plow fuction.
You can unfold the plow using X Key
REMEBER to lower and press create fields before use ,operate with right mouse click.