La Petite Meusienne V 1.1 FS17 for FS 17
Version 1.1
Good Dl link
La map représente un fictif inspiré de mon département, Meuse. La map est de taille moyenne, plusieurs tailles de champs et différents reliefs. Il ya 3 fermes, deux coopératives, une sucrerie, une scierie, deux villages et beaucoup de Deco.
Bon amusement sur la map, prévue pour du matériel de moyenne taille. Version actuelle: 1. Pour toutes question voici quelques endroits ou me contacter: Facebook / Youtube (tiyoyo modding) – Twitch (Tiyoyo55) – Frabel / Agricole Gaming (Tiyoyo55).
Crédits et remerciments: FFA – TheSeb’s – Frmodding (Nono34-Flo) – AnthoBzh – La team Frabel – Arsenic modding – Agricole-Gaming – Agribhz – Les Streamers Twitch – Ferme de la souche – Toutes les personnes qui m’ont encouragées a faire cette map – Et pour finir toutes les personnes ayant les crée batiments présents sur la map.
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The map darstellt a fictional inspired by my department, de Meuse. The map is of medium size, Several sizes of fields and different reliefs. There are 3 farms, two cooperatives, a sugar factory, a sawmill, two villages and a lot of decoration. Good fun on the map, for medium size equipment. Current version: 1. For any questions here are some places or contact me: Facebook / Youtube (tiyoyo modding) – Twitch (Tiyoyo55) – Frabel / Agricole Gaming (Tiyoyo55). Credit and thanks: FFA – TheSeb’s – Frmodding (Nono34-Flo) – AnthoBzh – The Frabel team – Arsenic modding – Agricole-Gaming – Agribhz – Twitch streamers – ferme de la souche – All the people who encouraged me to do this Map – And finally all the people who created the buildings on the map.
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The card depicts a fictional by my department inspired, Meuse. The map is medium in size, several field sizes and different reliefs. There are three courtyards, two cooperatives, a candy, a sawmill, two villages and a lot of decoration. Good entertainment on the card, scheduled for mid-size material. Current version: 1. For all questions here are some places, or contact me: Facebook / Youtube (tiyoyo modding) – Twitch (Tiyoyo55) – Frabel / Agricole Gaming (Tiyoyo55).
Credit and thanks: FFA – TheSeb’s – Frmodding (Nono34-Flo) – AnthoBzh – The Frabel team – Arsenic modding – Agri cole -Gaming – Agribhz – Twitch streamers – ferme de la souche – All the people who encouraged me to do this Map – and finally all the people who created the buildings on the map.