John Deere 8R 2009 v1.0.0.0 Mod
Motor configuration
(8245R, 8270R, 8295R, 8320R, 8345R)
Wheel brand configuration
(Trelleborg, Michelin AxioBib, Michelin CereXBib2-A
Wheel configuration
(Standard-Wide)(+)(With wheel weights1,2 or 3)(+)(Twin back wheels)/(Twin wheels)/(Triple wheels)
Front attacher configuration
(Bracket: 300kg, 500kg, 700kg, 900kg, 1000kg Front hydraulic 1-Front hydraulic 2)
Design configuration
(Standard-Warning Signs)
Vehicle type configuration
(Without IC Controls-With IC Controls)
Front fenders configuration
(Without-Fenders 1-Fenders 2-Fenders 3-Fenders 4)
Back fenders configuration
(Standard-Wide-Extra wide)
GreenStar configuration
(Without-Star Fire 3000-Star Fire 6000)
Transmission configuration
Beacons configuration
WorkLights configuration
Steering Knob configuration
Mirrors configuration
(Type 1-Type 2)
Bonnet lights configuration
(Type 1-Type 2)
IC Control
Mod is full animated (Pedals, reverser, transmission, thorttles..)
!!Log is clean and free of errors and mod is also tested on MP!!