Jogisfelden V2.0.0.0 for FS 17
Version Jogisfelden V2.0.0.0
Änderungsliste Jogisfelden V2.0.0.0
Logeintrag des BGA Silos behoben
Gartencenter wurde entfernt – dafür kam der Toom dazu
Verkaufspunkt Toom: Mist / Gülle / Compost / Holz
Zusätzlicher Trigger bei der BGA eingefügt – man kann dort nun Stroh und Heu in den Fermenter kippen (verkaufen)
Volumen des Güllebeckens erhöht
Verkaufstrigger für die Eier neu gesetzt
Schilder mit Öffnungszeiten eingefügt
Feldränder (Pflanzen) bearbeitet
Freie Fläche für das Strohbergungs Addon geschaffen (zw. Feld 25 und 26)
Neue Büsche gesetzt (die Alten sahen im Frühling nicht gut aus)
….weitere Kleinigkeiten….
Version Jogisfelden V2.0.0.0
Change list Jogisfelden V2.0.0.0
Log entry of the BGA silo fixed
Garden center was removed – this was the Toom
Point of sale Toom: manure / manure / compost / wood
Additional trigger inserted in the BGA – you can now dump straw and hay into the fermenter (sell)
Volume of manure basin increased
Sale trigger for the eggs set new
Signs with opening hours inserted
Field borders (plants) processed
Free space created for the straw recovery addon (between fields 25 and 26)
New bushes set (the old ones did not look good in spring)
…. other little things ….
[FBM Team] Jogisfelden 1.0.0
Giants Software GmbH
Publisher: Forbidden-Mods
Mapper: Jogi (FBM Team)
We thank all their objects and scripts we have used
After more than 4 months of construction I would like to present you the V1.0.0 of the Map Jogisfelden today.
Welcome to Jogisfelden!
Jogisfelden is a fictitious map.
An idyllic small town somewhere in the north of Germany ….
The yard you take over is embedded in a beautiful landscape.
Here you would like to take a vacation …
However, the holiday unfortunately falls flat, because there is a lot to do.
It is the animals (cows, pigs, chickens and sheep) to provide, as well as to order the fields.
The cowshed and the pigsty must be regularly de-mended so that the animals can reach their slaughter weight in comfortable surroundings or give good milk for the dairy.
The dairy wants to be supplied with raw materials to produce goods for the local Edeka market.
That awaits you on this map …
How many farms are there?
There are 3 farms if you want to see it so main farm, sheep farm and pig farm
You have to muck out the cow and pigsty yourself.
Where are the animals? All at the farm or distributed?
The animals are a bit apart but still good to reach from the main courtyard
How many fields and meadows are there?
On the map there are 27 fields between 1.6 and 7.6 ha of which you have 3 at the beginning which are the other 24 fields
buyable and you can also carry out missions and there are 4 large meadows of 3.5 and 6.3 ha.
Which types of fruit were used?
Oats and rye came to the standard fruits.
Which sales outlets are there?
A sawmill
You can sell all types of cereals as well as straw, grass and hay.
The garden center offers you the possibility to sell manure, manure and compost if you have too much or if you need money.
There are also Nordzucker for the turnips and Mc Can for the potatoes.
Then there is BayWa for the grain sale.
And of course the dairy for the milk.
Not forgetting the butcher for the animals.
Have new mCompanyScript installed for the production of:
At the dairy you can if you want to produce H-milk, cheese and yogurt and sell it at Edeka.
At Nordzucker there is the possibility to produce lime from the beets.
With the BayWa fertilizer, liquid fertilizer and seed production and just buying lime.
BioDiesel production
And with tears and torment you can make pigs and concentrates.
GMK Mod and choppedStraw_SDK are installed
Have splines been laid for pedestrians / cars? Yes
Is the season mod installed? Yes
Is there a forestry area? Yes
Hose System Ready is also installed
Workshop installed at the yard
There are time-controlled roller shutters and barriers installed everywhere
Recommended mods:
ChoppedStraw: http://www.fsmods17.com/chopped-straw-harvesters-1-0-0-7-fs-17/
Seasons Mod: http://www.fsmods17.com/seasons-mod-1-2-fs17/
Hose System: http://www.fsmods17.com/hose-system-v1-0-1-0-fs17/