Foldable mounted “Azurit H – Hybrid” sowing machine
The Azurit H is mainly based on the brand-new Azurit 9 from company Lemken.
But this machine is equipped with an innovative dosage system to seed all seeds or seedmix usual in trade without any converting the dosage unit itself.
For optimal seed-placement are different deposit systems available or still in development.
– Workwidth: 6m
– ready for all seed typs (based on real prototyp dosage-system)
– different deposit attachments for different seeds (work in progress)
–> can transport with JCB Skidsteer and Frontloaders
– Upgradeoption: fertilizer system (external tank needed)
–> modified “Amazone FT 1001” fronttank for using with granulated fertilizer
– Upgradeoption: ridgemarker
– follow ground and many physic based animation (pipes, share, wheels)
– adjustable tools
– compatible to MOD: ProSeed (PC/MAC)
– added a Heliodor based deposit unit for “Greening” –> useful but not usable by helper
– Granutank now paintable
– all deposit units can now be transport by Skidsteer and Frontloaders like Stoll and Kramer
– new introduction video on ModHUB
– some balancing and fixing
– Hotfix for “unlimited filling fertilizer” on fertilizer selling silotank
– add Singlecorn deposit system
– add Azurit-H without fertilizer option for using helper without fertilizing.
– add modified “Amazone FT 1001” fronttank
– loading the Azurit on each filltrigger now possible
– much more bugfixing