IHC 554-644 v1.0.0.0 FS19
This mod is the IHC644 / 554, it is based on the IHC 644 from Kreters-island and was converted from ihcpower733_official and SD1808 into the LS19.
Infos about mod
Price: 14.800 €
Motor Configurations: 554/644/644 Untwisted
Tire configurations: 2WD / 2WD wide tires / 4WD / 4WD factory tires / 4WD wide tires
Design Configurations: RKL / No RKL
Cabin configurations: Rollbar / Fritzmeier M701 Roof / Fritzmeier M701 / Fritzmeier K9115 / Comfort 2000 Cabin
Front loader: None / Baas / Stoll
Weight: No Weight / Weight Plates (Individually Selectable)
Colors: Various reds / black / DLG fair model 70 years IHC
Rim colors: white / gray / beige
Exhaust Paint: Beige / Black / Gray
IC Controll (Thanks to Privatprivat)
All LS19 standard functions
New texture system
Information about the original
The IHC 644 was built from 1974 in Neuss am Rhein, he was the successor of the IHC 654 and belonged to the Perfect series (B-family)
In 1980, the production of the 644 was discontinued, he was released from the 733.
From 1976, the tractor could be equipped with the Closed Comfort 2000 cab.
It was factory fitted with a 60hp four-cylinder engine and had a top speed of 33km / h