I See Bales v1.0.0.0 FS 19
This mod causes the PDA Player Card to display hotspots for bale and fill palette objects wherever they appear on the card.
If you’ve ever wondered if you’ve finished collecting bales on a large field (because the game does not always make them visible to the player, depending on their distance and location), this mod can help you find them and make sure your field is clean. The same applies to finding pallets on the map, whether seed, fertilizer, pig feed, etc.
The PDA hotspots are symbols representing the various objects, whether bales or pallets. In other words, the PDA card shows a small straw bale for each straw bale on the card. Depending on the type of bale different symbols are used. A seed palette shows a tiny seed palette on the PDA card. And so on. This is how the mod is set up by default. If small colored circles are preferred to the symbols, the mod can be easily changed to take this into account. For instructions on making the change, see the mod (see the Instructions.xml file). An example can be found in the last picture.
The icons / colored circles appear on the Player PDA and on the ‘Escape Menu Card’. Sometimes the icons are hard to spot when you are standing or driving next to a bale / pallet, but they are easy to see in boxes on the PDA card as a whole.
The mod is multiplayer compatible.