Holzer Map Seasons v1.1.0 for FS 2019
Version 1.1
Map is fully prepared for Seasons:
Season-Mask for permanently installed objects placed by items.xml
according to the seasons changing Mapumrandungen
with the seasons changing vegetation (bushes, trees, etc.)
Adaptation of the 3D bushes and shrubs taken over from the LS17 to Seasons 19.
depending on the season changing Mapobjekte (for example, drive in winter no ships, the beer garden at the cheese factory is closed, snow bars along the roads in winter, and much more.).
The Oberreiterhof has got a new main building. For this is a big compliment to farmerfivetom, who offered me to build his newly built “Oberleitner yard” on the map. Thank you so much for making this building available to me in advance!
This is a really nice farmhouse with great animation and details. In addition, it has already been matched to the Seasons Mod and receives z. For example, in snowfall a blanket of snow on the roof.
setAnimalCapacity script in moddesc excluded
The script is not compatible with Seasons because Seasons also reduces the capacity of the feeders.
That’s why I commented it out in moddesc.xml.
Who plays without seasons and wants to use it, the must only in the moddesc.xml the entry under
Activate “extraSourceFiles” again. The script itself is still included in the map.
Installation of the ClipDistanceFPS mod
This causes a reduction in the visibility of everything that is parked in halls and thus more FPS ingame.
The course of the road on the PDA traced for better visibility
Cotton removed as a fruit
Handbook adapted many smaller things fixed and improved
Full of detail 1: 1 replica of the village of wood in the Tegernsee valley.
Welcome to the Holzer Map!
This is a true to detail reproduction including height model from Google Earth from the village wood in the beautiful Tegernsee valley in the district Miesbach in Upper Bavaria.
Started with the construction of the map was in December 2016 with a first release for the LS17. Meanwhile, the LS19 appeared and after completion of the conversion work, I can now present the Holzer Map for the LS19.
The village of Holz is bordered on the east by the shores of Lake Tegernsee and in the west by the foothills of the Holzer Alm. The intervening areas in wood are divided into a total of 7 farms in the village. In addition, extensive forestry can be operated in the numerous forest areas.
Each farm can be managed independently. With the land trade it is also possible to buy needed goods like seed, fertilizer, lime, etc.
The following features are included in the map:
Combination of classic LS style with permanently installed courtyards as well as new mode using placeable objects and terraforming.
Increase the maximum possible number of animal enclosures from 10 to 32.
Change in feeding options for cows:
– Shifting of the feed type “hay” to the feed type “grass”.
– Addition of another feed component “cereals”.
Higher number of angles for the soil textures.
Improved in-game lighting with BulletBill xml settings.
Alternative map version with more farming.
Many other little things, all listed in the map manual.
Since the courts were all designed differently, the position of the built-trigger is of course also at each farm a different one. So that you can still orientate yourself at the start of the game and find everything necessary, I have also created a manual for the map. Here are all the triggers of the yards and outlets with pictures described and listed. Thus, a finding of triggers, Abkippstellen, etc. so should be possible without problems.
Theme Multiplayer:
To play the map in the MP with several separate courts, a separate defaultItems.xml is necessary. You have to paste this file into the main directory of the map and replace the existing xml with it. Make a backup copy of the original file before you can use it again for the SP !!
The defaultItems.xml for the MP is included in the downloaded ZIP file!
If you are then in the MP you have to create the courts accordingly, the best 6 pieces because a total of 6 farmID’s in the xml are available (for the 6 permanently built courts). Then you have to decide which of the farms you want to join. The following applies here:
Courtyard 1 – Boarhof
Courtyard 2 – Schwoagahof
Courtyard 3 – Gundischhof
Courtyard 4 – Graberhof
Courtyard 5 – Oberreiterhof
Courtyard 6 – Unterreiterhof
Thus, the separate Hofzuweisung should also work in the MP.
The downloaded ZIP file must be unpacked by you!
It contains the following content:
the map (HolzerMapLS19.zip)
the manual (Manual Holzer Map LS19.pdf)
alternative mapversion with more farming (mapDE.i3d and mapDE.i3d.shapes)
defaultItems.xml for the multiplayer
Now I wish you a lot of fun exploring and playing the Holzer Map!