Harsefeld 2K19 v1. FS2019
Changelog v1.1.0.5
New transport mission + field owner
New transport mission pallets
Grasplattfahr Bug fixed
Fixed texture error (shader) on the water channel
Partial texture mistake Baustele fixed
Distance Bug (Patch 1.3) Schwade and co fixed
Double fruit entry in the PDA fixed
Bushes between fields now plowable
BGA 2 now with function
Poplars added as a fruit to the map
Added small forest at Starthof
Fixed flying trees and objects
Ki speed reduced
Various price adjustments
Grass fixed
Lime can now be loaded into any truck, no BigBags / Mod needed!
Starthof revised (single parts (ver) purchasable)
Court lighting extended
Complete yard decoration now for sale
HofSilo fruit display fixed
Starthof on Dedi server now possible with heavy / medium
Added additional buyable farm extensions
Option: New purchasable objects in the shop (own brand “System – Tec”)
Switchable and fillable diesel bearing, requires extra mod eg from the HOT – team for liquids.
Farmlands increased
Shadow of the eagle removed (heart problems reduced XD)
Hud ads adapted and modified for the fruits “Hud’s label”
New fruits in the map, garlic, hops, carrots, onions, tabbak, beetroot
New field textures
New sales outlet Added for Erdfrüchte (Knollen AG)
Ground fruits for sale at ProGrain removed
New gas station added
Icon (jump label) for shop now available
New buyable earth-fruit stock
New sales point for horses. “With purchasable land for pastures” Intigrated sale of straw, oats and carrots available.
Various particles of the Kaufstellen fixed (lime …)
New sale “Already Welk” added, selling manure, manure …. Purchase options for seeds, fertilizers and weed killers
New fruits adapted in the pastures
New DekoSplines
New place HPE (What will it be …)
New place (sales / missions) logistics
New Night Train
New AI vehicles as well as AI traffic extended
New decoration added
Various sounds adapted and ergenzt
New meadows
New fields
Signage extended
Forest areas expanded
Fields 12 + 13 edited
Buyable open spaces for farms
Now 33 fields with about 70 ha area
Harsefeld 2K19
The Map Harsefeld has nothing in common with the real role model except the name.
The construction of this map has taken about 3 weeks and it is built up to date everything that is possible and available in the LS19.
So do not expect any miracles or world novelties. We can only block what is available.
The map has intentionally only about a quarter of the normal map size.
As it stands, this map will remain our only map for LS19, but that does not mean that this map will not be expanded.
There is more than enough space!
Out of time and lack of information Unfortunately, modding was no longer a new development.
You can definitely play with many people on the Dedi, but who plans a 16-person chopper party, should initially prefer to play standard
If there are errors then please report in the channel “#bugreports” in the discord. Thank you!
Please keep in mind that most standard placeable objects have too large a radius to set them as you like, be sparing with the space you have on the map.
We recommend to use the Mod PlaceAnywhere for placeable objects!
Basic information:
New construction of the map for LS19
Finished start yard on all difficulty levels
18 fields + 4 purchasable areas approx. 30ha
Wies missions
Fertile meadows
Ls 19 standard functions installed
Transport missions and field jobs
2 new BGAs installed
New sawmill feature installed (log conveyor)
New decorative elements
Gimicks to look for …. for all ages
Annimated doors and gates
Animate decoration
Annimated farm silo
Ai traffic including pedestrians
2 large forest areas buyable
Buyable surfaces:
Forst 1 + sawmill
Forest 2
Small areas and rest Map
Field Summary:
Field 1: 2,048 ha
Field 2: 1,684 ha
Field 3: 1,190 ha
Field 4: 1,013 ha
Field 5: 0.581 ha
Field 6: 0.761 ha
Field 7: 1,152 ha
Field 8: 1,292 ha
Field 9: 0.146 ha
Field 10: 0.651 ha
Field 11: 1,065 ha
Field 12: 2,059 ha
Field 13: 1,993 ha
Field 14: 1,929 ha
Field 15: 1,365 ha
Field 16: 1,198 ha
Field 17: 0.676 ha
Field 18: 0.762 ha
Field 19: 4,298 ha
Field 20: 2,663 ha
Field 21: 6,901 ha
Field 22: 3,123 ha
Field 23: 1,533 ha
Field 24: 0.859 ha
Field 25: 3,429 ha
Field 26: 9,804 ha
Field 27: 1,702 ha
Field 28: 2,817 ha
Field 29: 3,935 ha
Field 30: 1,178 ha
Field 31: 2,184 ha
Field 32: 3,464 ha
Field 33: 1,913 ha
Known bugs:
2 Log Entries from Ai Verkehr (Unobjectionable!)
Questionable layer when 1.Roden the earth fruits, when replanting comes this again, although previously grubbert / plowed. “Giants Lastig”
Spawn Knollen AG
Thanks to all the streamer for their map presentations!
To all mappers and modders whose work we have installed!