Great American Plains v1.0 Map
This is a map that i have made using the time we have here in quarentine. this map is based off of the American plains (Wyoming,Montana,Idaho, i think idaho is in there, not to shure) this map took me 3-and-ahalf days to make.
there is one placeable area and then one other area that is based off of my Family farm over in Idaho. that is meant for placeable pastures and other things(you will need a place anywhere mod if you want to place things in certain areas of the map. the field prices are sort-of Realistic to how much you would pay per acre in the us.
there is one sell point on the map. i think the store is one of the best parts of the map.
there are a few warnings/errors that i still need to find out how to fix. this stuff takes time.
and a minor warning. i still need to find out how to make a map boundary. until then there is no map boundaries. so things can still fly off of the map.
Enjoy, sincerely, Juketails