Goliszew PATCH v1.0.1 for FS 19
1. xml file. ( maps fruitTypes ) you have to paste into the folder of Goliszew map. FS19_Goliszew/ maps/ maps/ maps fruitTypes. xml replace this file and that’s all. Save runs on this file.
– mowing clover with lawnmowers is conversion to grass
– While mowing the chaff cutter we have clover for green fodder (sheep, horses, cows) clover.
– When mowing alfalfa, the chaff cutter is converted to fresh grass.
– When mowing alfalfa with a lawnmower, the lawn is also mown with a lawn mower.
In both cases we have 3-4 times more green fodder than grass.
It would be nice if someone would convert alfalfa into a trailer and green fodder, and in case of clover and alfalfa into hay. I can’t do it.